Latest Petrol Price Malaysia

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A rising in price of fuel, especially a drastic one, has significant impact on the way human lives their daily live. Increasing fuel price means increasing travel costs for users of private vehicle.

In Malaysia, were most private vehicle drivers use either petrol cars, it is becoming a common routine to check the latest petrol price Malaysia.

Latest Petrol Price Malaysia

There are two types of petrol available widely throughout the country: gasoline and diesel. Gasoline has octane level that’s indicated with specific numeric code. In Malaysia it is available in variation of RON95 for gas fuel with octane 95 and RON95 for gas fuel with octane 97.

RON is an abbreviation term that stands for Research Octane Number. RON97 has higher level of octane, so in general it is considered as the more premium petrol compared to RON95.  Meanwhile, the diesel fuel is provided with European standard of Euro5 rate, means that it produces minimum pollution.

Since the beginning of 2019, under the Automatic Pricing Mechanism (APM), Malaysia uses weekly pricing mechanism for the fuel price. You may read about the most updated, latest petrol price Malaysia through this article as the government constantly revises the pricing.

What is RON95

Latest Petrol Price Ron95 in Malaysia

Research Octane Number (RON) is the most used octane rating across the world. The rate is determined by running test engine of the fuel by ratio of variable compressed under controlled conditions. The test result then compared with fuel that has been mixed with n-heptane and iso-octane.

The ratio of compression is being differed during the test with the purpose to challenge the tendency of anti-knocking. The higher the compression ratio is, the higher the knocking chance is.

RON95 is probably the most commonly used petrol variation throughout the country and it is with a reason: it offers cost-effective value. Also commonly referred as yellow pump, it offers better fuel consumption for majority of vehicle owner in general; it has better range for the owners of car.

That being said, RON95 is not exactly the best choice of fuel as it suppresses the engine’s power output. Some car owners might feel they will have to accelerate harder if there isn’t much power so it might impact the fuel consumption negatively.

RON95 is the only type of subsidized gasoline by the Malaysian government, it has more stable price than the other, as observed on latest petrol price Malaysia trend below. However, it has to be noted that only vehicles with registered number plates are eligible to purchase RON95 at subsidized price.

What is RON97

Latest Petrol Price Ron97 in Malaysia

RON97, or green pump is another type of gasoline fuel. The specific configuration of RON97 made it better use for power user. It is deemed as the more preferable choice for everyday usage. You may have already heard about this but still wonder how so.

It is because RON97 offers best combination of fuel consumption and performance for majority of private vehicle users and by majority, it actually applies for cars with larger engine size than 2.5 liters. How about vehicles with smaller engines than that? Well, not so much, as it’d considered as quite a waste of money due to its price.

Often regarded by plenty of vehicle drivers in Malaysia as the holy grail of fuels, RON97 is sold at steep price, which translates to higher exclusivity. This specific fuel variation has no fixed price, thus the cost fluctuates weekly.

The price can be higher or lower, which controlled by regulation of Malaysian government. Nevertheless, it still costs more compared to its counterpart, the RON95 as seen on the following latest petrol price Malaysia. Moreover, if there is no subsidy from Malaysian government, the cost of RON97 will fluctuate in the favor of global oil price market.

Despite the many talk of fuel efficiency comparison between RON95 and RON97, a lot of car experts actually said there’s only a slight difference between both variations. This observation is mostly made after experts run experiment by using two cars with the same model, and fill them with RON95 and RON97. Generally, the difference of efficiency is only measured at 1%-2%.

What is Diesel

Latest Petrol Price Diesel in Malaysia

Most vehicles sold in the country are the gasoline-powered ones. They make about more than 80% of overall vehicle sales in Malaysia. On the other side, the market growth of diesel-powered cars is suffering from a slower pace. This directly impact the fuel buying preference, as most cars would either use RON95 or RON97, but that doesn’t mean it is impossibly hard to find vehicles that use diesel either.

Gasoline and diesel are both extracted from mineral oil. However, they are refined in different way. It is said that refining diesel has easier process and this fuel produces higher energy throughout the combustion process. Gasoline, in contrast, has higher evaporative consistency and is lighter than the thicker and denser diesel. Therefore, different engines may require different fuel, so both are generally not interchangeable.

Diesel is sold at higher Ringgit/liter cost compared to gasoline. That being said, considering the fact that a liter of diesel provides higher energy than a liter of petrol, it is considered as the more efficient fuel. Other than that, diesel-powered engines are typically more powerful than gasoline-powered engine, as they have higher torque which generates smoother driving experience. However, diesel cars are often concerned due to their excess noise, vibration, harshness, and higher carbon emission, even though modern diesel vehicles are less disturbed with carbon emission problem in general.

In conclusion, it can be said that there is no fuel variation that’s significantly more superior than others. Which type of fuel you should purchase and use depends entirely on your car and what’s right for it. If long-term cost is one of your biggest concerns regarding driving private vehicles, then you need to compare between different car models instead of comparing the fuel type.

As it does with any most countries in the world, oil prices in Malaysia depend on worldwide market. That’s why it might be difficult to determine the long-run cost. Not to mention, the entire world is going to be dealing with the raise of electric cars market in the near time. Still, regularly checking out the latest petrol price Malaysia might help to save you several ringgits in weekly basis.

Latest Petrol Price in Malaysia

Updated Prices for Petrol from 6 May 2021 to 12 May 2021 are:

  • RON95 : RM2.05 per litre (0 sen)
  • RON97 : RM2.60 per litre (+2 sen)
  • Diesel : RM2.15 per litre (0 sen)

Here’s the previous petrol price RON95, RON97 and Diesel.

6 - 12 May 2021RM2.05 (RM0)RM2.60 (+RM0.02)RM2.15 (RM0)
29 Apr - 5 May 2021RM2.05 (RM0)RM2.58 (RM0)RM2.15 (RM0)
22 - 28 Apr 2021RM2.05 (RM0)RM2.58 (+RM0.04)RM2.15 (RM0)
15 - 21 Apr 2021RM2.05 (RM0)RM2.54 (RM0)RM2.15 (RM0)
8 - 14 Apr 2021RM2.05 (RM0)RM2.54 (+RM0.02)RM2.15 (RM0)
1 - 7 Apr 2021RM2.05 (RM0)RM2.52 (+RM0.02)RM2.15 (RM0)
25 - 31 Mar 2021RM2.05 (RM0)RM2.50 (+RM0.03)RM2.15 (RM0)
18 - 24 Mar 2021RM2.05 (RM0)RM2.47 (+RM0.07)RM2.15 (RM0)
11 - 17 Mar 2021RM2.05 (RM0)RM2.40 (+RM0.05)RM2.15 (RM0)
4 - 10 Mar 2021RM2.05 (RM0)RM2.35 (RM0)RM2.15 (RM0)
27 Feb - 5 Mar 2021RM2.05 (+RM0.05)RM2.35 (+RM0.05)RM2.15 (RM0)
20 - 26 Feb 2021RM2.00 (+RM0.04)RM2.30 (+RM0.04)RM2.15 (RM0)
13 - 19 Feb 2021RM1.96 (+RM0.03)RM2.26 (+RM0.03)RM2.15 (+RM0.04)
6 - 12 Feb 2021RM1.93 (+RM0.03)RM2.23 (+RM0.03)RM2.11 (+RM0.04)
30 Jan - 5 Feb 2021RM1.90 (RM0)RM2.20 (RM0)RM2.07 (-RM0.07)
23 - 29 Jan 2021RM1.90 (+RM0.01)RM2.20 (+RM0.01)RM2.09 (+RM0.04)
16 - 22 Jan 2021 RM1.89 (+RM0.05)RM2.19 (+RM0.05)RM2.05 (+RM0.03)
9 - 15 Jan 2021RM1.84 (RM0)RM2.14 (RM0)RM2.02 (+RM0.01)
2 - 8 Jan 2021RM1.84 (+RM0.04)RM2.14 (+RM0.04)RM2.01 (+RM0.03)
26 Dec - 1 Jan 2021RM1.80 (+RM0.02)RM2.10 (+RM0.02)RM1.98 (+RM0.02)
19 - 25 Dec 2020RM1.78 (+RM0.05)RM2.08(+RM0.05)RM1.96(+RM0.03)
12 - 18 Dec 2020RM1.73 (+RM0.03)RM2.03 (+RM0.03)RM1.93 (+RM0.03)
5 - 11 Dec 2020RM1.70 (+RM0.03)RM2.00 (+RM0.03)RM1.90 (+RM0.05)
28 Nov - 4 Dec 2020RM1.67 (+RM0.03)RM1.97 (+RM0.03)RM1.85 (+RM0.04)
21 - 27 Nov 2020RM1.64 (+RM0.02)RM1.94 (+RM0.02)RM1.81 (+RM0.07)
14 - 20 Nov 2020RM1.62 (+RM0.01)RM1.92 (+RM0.01)RM1.74 (+RM0.06)
07 - 13 Nov 2020RM1.61 (-RM0.03)RM1.91 (-RM0.03)RM1.68 (-RM0.06)
31 Oct - 06 Nov 2020RM1.64 (RM0)RM1.94 (RM0)RM1.74 (RM 0)
24 - 30 Oct 2020RM1.64 (-RM0.04)RM1.94 (-RM0.04)RM1.74 (RM 0)
17 - 23 Oct 2020RM1.68 (+RM0.01)RM1.98 (+RM0.01)RM1.74 (+RM0.05)
10 - 16 Oct 2020RM1.67 (-RM0.04)RM1.97 (-RM0.04)RM1.69 (-RM0.01)
03 - 09 Oct 2020RM1.71 (+RM0.03)RM2.01 (+RM0.03)RM1.70 (-RM0.01)
26 Sep - 02 Oct 2020RM1.68 (+RM0.05)RM1.98 (+RM0.05)RM1.71 (+RM0.04)
19 - 25 Sep 2020RM1.63 (-RM0.03)RM1.93 (-RM0.03)RM1.67 (-RM0.05)
12 - 18 Sep 2020RM1.66 (-RM0.05)RM1.96 (-RM0.05)RM1.72 (-RM0.06)
5 - 11 Sep 2020RM1.71 (-RM0.01)RM2.01 (-RM0.01)RM1.78 (RM 0)
29 Aug - 4 Sep 2020RM1.72 (+RM0.01)RM2.02 (+RM0.01)RM1.78 (-RM0.02)
22 - 28 August 2020RM1.71 (+RM0.03)RM2.01 (+RM0.03)RM1.80 (-RM0.02)
15 - 21 August 2020RM1.68 (+RM0.05)RM1.98 (+RM0.05)RM1.82 (+RM0.03)
8 - 14 August 2020RM1.63 (-RM0.05)RM1.93 (-RM0.05)RM1.79 (-RM0.04)
1 - 7 August 2020RM1.68 (RM 0)RM1.98 (RM 0)RM1.83 (+RM 0.01)
25 - 31 July 2020RM1.68 (-RM0.04)RM1.98 (-RM0.04)RM1.82 (-RM0.05)
18 - 24 July 2020RM1.72 (RM 0)RM2.02 (RM 0)RM1.87 (RM 0)
11 - 17 July 2020RM1.72 (+RM0.07)RM2.02 (+RM0.07)RM1.87 (+RM0.03)
 04 - 10 July 2020RM1.65 (-RM0.04) RM1.95 (-RM0.04)RM1.84 (-RM0.02)
 27 June - 03 July 2020RM1.69 (+RM0.10) RM1.99 (+RM0.10)RM1.86 (+RM0.09)
 20 - 26 June 2020RM1.59 (+RM0.03) RM1.89 (+RM0.03)RM1.77 (+RM0.04)
 13 - 19 June 2020RM1.56 (+RM0.08) RM1.86 (+RM0.08)RM1.73 (+RM0.10)
 6 - 12 June 2020RM1.48 (+RM0.05) RM1.78 (+RM0.05)RM1.63 (+RM0.2)
 30 - 05 June 2020RM1.43 (+RM0.05) RM1.73 (+RM0.05)RM1.61 (+RM0.10)
 23 - 29 May 2020RM1.38 (+RM0.07) RM1.68 (+RM0.07)RM1.51 (+RM0.06)
 16 - 22 May 2020RM1.31 (+RM0.06) RM1.61 (+RM0.06)RM1.45 (+RM0.05)
 9 - 15 May 2020RM1.25 (RM0.00) RM1.55 (RM0.00)RM1.40 (RM0.00)
 2 - 8 May 2020RM1.25 (RM0.00) RM1.55 (RM0.00)RM1.40 (RM0.00)
 25 - 1 May 2020RM1.25 (RM0.00) RM1.55 (RM0.00)RM1.40 (-RM0.03)
 18 - 24 Apr 2020RM1.25 (RM0.00) RM1.55 (RM0.00)RM1.43 (-RM0.03)
 10 - 17 Apr 2020RM1.25 (-RM0.05) RM1.55 (-RM0.05)RM1.46 (-RM0.12)
 4 - 10 Apr 2020RM1.30 (-RM0.08) RM1.60 (-RM0.08)RM1.58 (-RM0.10)
 28 Mar - 3 Apr 2020RM1.38 (-RM0.06) RM1.68 (-RM0.06)RM1.68 (-RM0.06)
 21 - 27 Mar 2020RM1.44 (-RM0.38) RM1.74 (-RM0.36)RM1.75 (-RM0.12)
 14 - 20 Mar 2020RM1.82 (-RM0.07) RM2.10 (-RM0.09)RM1.87 (-RM0.09)
 7 - 13 Mar 2020RM1.89 (-RM0.19) RM2.19 (-RM0.21)RM1.96 (-RM0.17)
 29 - 6 Mar 2020RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.40 (+RM0.02)RM2.13 (-RM0.01)
 22 - 28 Feb 2020RM2.08 (+RM0.02) RM2.38 (+RM0.02)RM2.14 (RM0)
 15 - 21 Feb 2020RM2.06 (+RM0.02) RM2.36 (+RM0.02)RM2.14 (+RM0.06)
 8 -  14 Feb 2020RM2.04 (-RM0.04) RM2.34 (-RM0.07)RM2.08 (-RM0.10)
 1 -  7 Feb 2020RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.41 (-RM0.08)RM2.18 (RM0)
 25 - 31 Jan 2020RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.49 (-RM0.04)RM2.18 (RM0)
 18 - 24 Jan 2020RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.53 (-RM0.09)RM2.18 (RM0)
 11 - 17 Jan 2020RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.62 (-RM0.03)RM2.18 (RM0)
 4 - 10 Jan 2020RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.65 (+RM0.02)RM2.18 (RM0)
 28 Dec 2019 - 3 Jan 2020RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.63 (+RM0.05)RM2.18 (RM0)
 21 - 27 Dec 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.58 (-RM0.06)RM2.18 (RM0)
 14 - 20 Dec 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.64 (RM0)RM2.18 (RM0)
 7 - 13 Dec 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.64 (-RM0.02)RM2.18 (RM0)
 30 Nov - 6 Dec 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.66 (RM0)RM2.18 (RM0)
 23 - 29 Nov 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.66 (-RM0.04)RM2.18 (RM0)
 16 - 22 Nov 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.70 (+RM0.13)RM2.18 (RM0)
9 - 15 Nov 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.57 (+RM0.01)RM2.18 (RM0)
2 - 8 Nov 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.56 (-RM0.03)RM2.18 (RM0)
26 Oct - 1 Nov 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.59 (-RM0.09)RM2.18 (RM0)
19 - 25 Oct 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.68 (+RM0.01)RM2.18 (RM0)
12 - 18 Oct 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.67 (+RM0.07)RM2.18 (RM0)
5 - 11 Oct 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.60 (-RM0.19)RM2.18 (RM0)
28 Sept - 4 Oct 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.79 (+RM0.12)RM2.18 (RM0)
21 - 27 Sept 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.67 (+RM0.14)RM2.18 (RM0)
14 - 20 Sept 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.53 (+RM0.03)RM2.18 (RM0)
7 - 13 Sept 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.50 (RM0)RM2.18 (RM0)
31 Aug - 6 Sept 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.50 (-RM0.01)RM2.18 (RM0)
24 - 30 Aug 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.51 (+RM0.02)RM2.18 (RM0)
17 - 23 Aug 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.49 (RM0)RM2.18 (RM0)
10 - 16 Aug 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.49 (-RM0.05)RM2.18 (RM0)
3 - 9 Aug 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.54 (-RM0.02)RM2.18 (RM0)
27 - 2 Aug 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.56 (-RM0.11)RM2.18 (RM0)
20 - 26 Jul 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.67 (+RM0.10)RM2.18 (RM0)
13 - 19 July 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.57 (+RM0.04)RM2.18 (RM0)
6 - 12 July 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.53 (+RM0.04)RM2.18 (RM0)
29 June - 5 July 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.49 (+RM0.11)RM2.18 (RM0)
22 - 28 June 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.38 (-RM0.03)RM2.18 (RM0)
15 - 21 June 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.41 (-RM0.22)RM2.18 (RM0)
1 - 14 June 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.63 (-RM0.13)RM2.18 (RM0)
24 - 31 May 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.76 (+RM0.08)RM2.18 (RM0)
18 - 24 May 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.68 (-RM0.02)RM2.18 (RM0)
11 - 17 May 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.70 (-RM0.10)RM2.18 (RM0)
4 - 10 May 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.80 (-RM0.01)RM2.18 (RM0)
27 Apr - 3 May 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.81 (+RM0.01)RM2.18 (RM0)
20 - 26 Apr 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.80 (+RM0.12)RM2.18 (RM0)
13 - 19 Apr 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.68 (+RM0.05)RM2.18 (RM0)
6 - 12 Apr 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.63 (RM0)RM2.18 (RM0)
30 Mar - 5 Apr 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.63 (+RM0.02)RM2.18 (RM0)
23 - 29 Mar 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.61 (+RM0.07)RM2.18 (RM0)
16 - 22 Mar 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.54 (+RM0.08)RM2.18 (RM0)
9 - 15 Mar 2019RM2.08 (RM0) RM2.46 (+RM0.03)RM2.18 (RM0)
2 - 8 Mar 2019RM2.08 (RM0)RM2.43 (+RM0.05)RM2.18 (RM0)
23 Feb - 1 Mar 2019RM2.08 (+RM0.10)RM2.38 (+RM0.10)RM2.18 (RM0)
16 - 22 Feb 2019RM1.98 (+RM0.01)RM2.28 (+RM0.01)RM2.18 (RM0)
9 - 15 Feb 2019RM1.97 (+RM0.04)RM2.27 (+RM0.04)RM2.18 (RM0)
2 - 8 Feb 2019RM1.93 (-RM0.05)RM2.23 (-RM0.05)RM2.18 (RM0)
26 Jan - 1 Feb 2019RM1.98 (RM0)RM2.28 (RM0)RM2.18 (+RM0.01)
19 - 25 Jan 2019RM1.98 (+RM0.06)RM2.28 (+RM0.06)RM2.17 (+RM0.12)
12 - 18 Jan 2019RM1.92 (-RM0.01)RM2.22 (-RM0.01)RM2.05 (+RM0.01)
4 - 11 Jan 2019RM1.93 (-RM0.27)RM2.23 (-RM0.27)RM2.04 (-RM0.14)
1 - 31 Dec 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.50 (+ RM0.31)RM2.18 (RM0) 
1 - 30 Nov 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.81(+ RM0.02)RM2.18 (RM0) 
1 - 31 Oct 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.79 (+ RM0.14)RM2.18 (RM0) 
1 - 30 Sept 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.65 (- RM0.04)RM2.18 (RM0) 
30 - 31 Aug 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.69 (+ RM0.04)RM2.18 (RM0) 
23 - 29 Aug 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.65 (RM0) RM2.18 (RM0) 
16 - 22 Aug 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.65 (+ RM0.04)RM2.18 (RM0) 
9 - 15 Aug 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.61 (- RM0.03)RM2.18 (RM0) 
2 - 8 Aug 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.64 (+ RM0.10)RM2.18 (RM0) 
26 July - 1 Aug 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.54 (- RM0.02)RM2.18 (RM0) 
19 - 25 July 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.56 (- RM0.03)RM2.18 (RM0) 
12 - 18 July 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.59 (+ RM0.01)RM2.18 (RM0) 
5 - 11 July 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.58 (+ RM0.08)RM2.18 (RM0) 
28 June - 4 July 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.50 (- RM0.09)RM2.18 (RM0) 
21 - 27 June 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.59 (- RM0.01)RM2.18 (RM0) 
14 - 20 June 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.60 (- RM0.06)RM2.18 (RM0) 
7 - 13 June 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.66 (+ RM0.19)RM2.18 (RM0) 
16 May - 7 June 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.47 (RM0) RM2.18 (RM0) 
10 -16 May 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.47 (RM0) RM2.18 (RM0) 
3 - 9 May 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.47 (RM0) RM2.18 (RM0) 
26 Apr - 2 May 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.47 (RM0) RM2.18 (RM0) 
19 - 25 Apr 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.47 (RM0) RM2.18 (RM0) 
12 -18 Apr 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.47 (RM0) RM2.18 (RM0) 
5 - 11 Apr 2018 RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.47 (RM0)         RM2.18 (RM0) 
29 Mar - 4 Apr 2018RM2.20 (RM0) RM2.47 (RM0) RM2.18 (RM0) 
22 - 28 Mar 2018RM2.20 (+RM0.02)RM2.47 (+RM0.02)RM2.18 (+RM0.02)
15 - 21 Mar 2018RM2.18 (-RM0.03)RM2.45 (-RM0.02)RM2.16 (-RM0.01)
8 - 14 Mar 2018RM2.21 (+RM0.01)RM2.47 (RM0)RM2.17 (-RM0.01)
1 - 7 Mar 2018RM2.20 (+RM0.03)RM2.47 (+RM0.04)RM2.18 (+RM0.05)
22 - 28 Feb 2018RM2.17 (-RM0.06)RM2.43 (-RM0.07)RM2.13 (-RM0.06)
15 - 21 Feb 2018RM2.23 (-RM0.10)RM2.50 (-RM0.11)RM2.19 (-RM0.12)
8 - 14 Feb 2018RM2.33 (+RM0.02)RM2.61 (+RM0.03)RM2.31 (-RM0.03)
1 - 7 Feb 2018RM2.31 (+RM0.02)RM2.58 (+RM0.02)RM2.34 (+RM0.03)
25 - 31 Jan 2018RM2.29 (-RM0.01)RM2.56 (-RM0.01)RM2.31 (-RM0.01)
18 - 24 Jan 2018RM2.30 (+RM0.04)RM2.57 (+RM0.04)RM2.32 (RM0) 
11 - 17 Jan 2018RM2.26 (-RM0.03)RM2.53 (-RM0.03)RM2.32 (RM0) 
4 - 10 Jan 2018RM2.29 (+RM0.03)RM2.56 (+RM0.03)RM2.32 (+RM0.06)