How to Pay Water Bill Air Selangor Online

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The methods on how to pay water bill Air Selangor online are mostly sought by everyone living in Malaysia. The water bill needs to be paid so that you can continue using the water service in daily basis.

These are the easiest methods to pay the bill. They are using the Air Selangor online website and their mobile app. Check the details below.

How to Pay Water Bill Air Selangor Online

Paying the Water Bill Air Selangor Online via Website Register

  1. Open the online portal of Air Selangor ( To Pay Air Selangor via Web
  2. There will be login box appears on the screen. Enter your email address and your PIN. Once done, click on the Login button underneath.How To Pay Air Selangor Web Online
  3. If you have forgotten your password/PIN, click on the Forgot Password? link on the bottom of the box.
  4. Once you are logged in to your account, click on the menu on the upper right of the screen that says Pay Bill.How To Pay Air Selangor by Online Payment
  5. You will be asked to enter your water account number. Enter the number carefully and then click on the green button that says Next.How To Pay Air Selangor
  6. Now, you will be asked to pay your water bill account due using the method that you desire. Click on the payment method and click OK.
  7. The review of your water bill and your payment information will be shown on the screen. If everything written there is correct, simply click on the Continue or Next button to proceed the payment.How To Pay Air Selangor Online Payment

Paying the Water Bill via Mobile Application

How To Pay Air Selangor via App

  1. Open Air Selangor app on your phone. The app is available to download for free on Google Play Store (Android) and App Store (iOS). The app has the icon of Air Selangor and developed by Pengurusan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd.
  2. If you have not log in to your account, login using your email address and password. If this is the first time you use the app, simply sign up first to register your email address on the app.
  3. Once you are in your account, select the main menu. There, you can see a menu in the middle of the screen that says Account Tap on that menu.
  4. Now, you can see the information of your account. Your bill will be displayed right here on the Total Amount Due box. If you want to pay the bill, simply click on the button Pay on the right side of the screen.
  5. Now, select the payment method. Once done, you can verify and proceed to the next step.
  6. A review of your water bill will be displayed on the screen along with your payment method. All you have to do now is click OK or Pay to continue.
  7. If you want to see whether or not the bill has been paid, simply click on the Bull History menu on your Accounts home page.

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Paying the bills is now made easy, thanks to the advanced technology of internet and mobile app. All those methods of how to pay water bill Air Selangor online can be done really effortlessly these days.