How to Check Maybank Account Balance

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If you have an account in Maybank (whether it is current or saving account), you need to know how to check Maybank account balance.

It’s a good thing that Maybank has its own online service called as Quick Balance to help you check your account easily and fast.

How to Check Maybank Account Balance

What is Quick Balance

It is a service enabling you to check your account through online system. It means that you can do it on the go – anytime and anywhere. You don’t even have to log into Maybank2U app.

With Quick Balance, you can get information about the fixed deposit accounts, credit or charge cards balances, and current or savings account by using only a PIN with 6-digit form.

It is even easier to use the service since Quick Touch feature has been added. You only need to use your fingerprint to access the service.

The fact that it has been expanded to Apple Watch is another convenience you will love about the service.

Benefits of Quick Balance

There are several perks of using the service, such as:

  • Straightforward access and fast service with 6-digit PIN
  • Direct service with Quick Touch service
  • Safe way to view and monitor your accounts along with your transaction history
  • Customizable ability to view your accounts the way you like it

Registering the Service

Quick Balance Maybank2u App

Here are the steps to register the service:

  1. Make sure you have Maybank2U app in your phone
  2. Open it
  3. Choose Quick Balance
  4. Key in your numbers. This may include the account or credit card number along with ID number. The numbers can be passport number, Army Registration number, or even New or Old I/C number.
  5. Provide the OTP sent by the bank to your phone. The phone should have the latest number that you use to register with the bank. Then key in the chosen PIN
  6. Quick Touch is only available in certain devices. The feature is only available for Samsung and Apple devices with fingerprint ability
  7. Your Quick Balance is ready to use and operate.

Maybank Check Balance M2u Online Banking

  1. Login with your Maybank2u access
  2. Go to My Accounts or Accounts & Banking

Don’t have Maybank2u internet banking? Read this article how to register Maybank2u online banking

Do I need a Maybank2U ID or log into Maybank2U to register or to access the Quick Balance?

No. All Maybank customers with Current/Savings Accounts or Charge/Credit Card can register and access the service.

What accounts can I view for Quick Balance service?

All of it, including Charge/Credit cards balances, Current/Savings account, and Fixed Deposit accounts.

Why don’t I get the OTP message? Why is it sent to different devices?

The code is sent to the latest number registered to the bank’s customer records. If you have new number, you need to update it by visiting the nearest branch office or to call the Customer Care Center at 1300 88 6688.

How many devices are allowed to access the service? Can I use other people’s devices to access it?

Only 3 (three) devices is allowed for the registration. Quick Balance can only be accessed by registered devices.

Will I be able to deactivate the already existing devices and then have a new one?

Sure! There is an option ‘Deactivate Device’. Use it and then register the other devices