How to Check BSN Account Balance

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It is only logical if you understand how to check BSN account balance if you have an account at the bank. BSN is short for Bank Simpanan Nasional (or also known as National Savings Bank), a government owned financial institution in Malaysia. The bank was established to encourage smart financial management, investments, and savings for Malaysians so they can improve their life quality.

With over 400 branches, 5,100 employees, 621 ATM, and 7 million of customers, the bank keeps updating their services and product ranges. Their offered main products include SSP (Premium Saving Certificate), Giro Savings Account, Credit Card services (including MasterCard and Visa), BSN Matrix Debit Card, mortgage loans, financing, and Islamic Banking Scheme.

How to Check BSN Account Balance

How to Check BSN Account Balance SMS

The bank wants to elevate their service by offering online system for improved quality. After all, the online system would make the operation easy. You need to register online, but you will be to check whatever financial transactions and status via the SMS service.

Enjoy the convenience of banking straight from your phone via BSN SMS.


BSN GIRO / GIRO-I account holders with any of the following:

  • BSN ATM Cards (Matrix / Matrix-i, GIRO / GIRO-i)
  • Own a mobile phone

Register for SMS Banking BSN

Go to any BSN Branch and register your mobile number.

  • 4 digit UAC will be provided to you via print out on SMP-1 form.
  • Upon successful registration, you will receive an SMS of M-PIN (6 digit) and 2 digit UAC

Activate SMS Banking BSN

Key-in ACT<space>M-PIN<space>6 digit UAC (4 digit + 2 digit)

Sent to BSN 36898 or alternatively:

  • 019-2866180 (Celcom)
  • 017-3776180 (Maxis)
  • 014-3386180 (DiGi)

Here are some of the offered services along with the codes:

TransactionTransaction Code
Change Language CHG (space) LANG (space) mpin (space) language.choice
SSP Purchase SSP (space) mpin (space) amount
Course List Code LIST (space) PIN
Pin Purchase PIN (space) mpin (space) course.code (space) candidate.NRIC
Fund Transfer TRF (space) mpin (space) beneficiary account (space) amount
Bill Top-Up Code LIST (space) BILL
BSN Credit Card Payment CARD (space) mpin (space) credit card no. (space) amount
Bill PaymentBILL (space) mpin (space) bill.code (space) bill.ref amount
Balance EnquiryBAL (space) mpin
Top-Up Code Listing LIST(space) TOPUP (space) VALUE
Prepaid Top-Up TOPUP (space) mpin (space) topup.code (space) beneficiary no.

For checking balance enquiry use this code.

Type BAL<space>M-PIN send to 36898

Example: BAL 123456 send to 36898

How to Check BSN Account Balance in ATM

  1. Insert ATM/Debit Card.
  2. Select the language.
  3. Enter the PIN Number.
  4. Select Account Balance/Balance information

How to Check BSN Account Balance Online

  1. Go to the official website at
  2. Key in username and password
  3. Enter the Online Image information for your account.
  4. Choose My Account > Account Balance

Benefits of Online System

With the online system, there are some perks to enjoy:

  • You can enjoy quick financial transaction without any hassle or fuss. You don’t even have to go to the nearest branch to manage your financial activities
  • You can check your financial condition within your own time, comfort, and convenience. Whenever you want to transfer fund, pay bills, or check the balance, do it without having to wait long
  • You should enjoy fast and safe transactions. Everything is protected so there won’t be any worry or concern, especially related to secured transactions.

Register BSN Online Banking

So, what should you do when you want to register for the service?

  1. Go to the official website at
  2. Click the option for First Time Registration
  3. Read the Terms and Conditions page. Make sure that you understand everything and then click Accept
  4. Enter your credit or debit card number, along with the PIN, CVV2, and expiry month. Be advised that PIN is only applicable for debit card
  5. Key in the new IC number – or the (old) IC number or even the passport number
  6. Key in the new password and user ID along with the request OTP
  7. Provide the OTP that is sent to your phone and pick the security image
  8. Opt for First Time Login so you can provide details of your personal update

Guide on how to register BSN internet banking along with pictures

Your registration is done. You should be able to use the service immediately.