For those who depend on performing funds transfer on a daily basis, knowing how to change transfer limit CIMB can be quite helpful. Imagine how complicated it will be when you have to go to the ATM or to the branch office EVERY day to transfer the money.
This is why the online service is the best option. It gives you the freedom and flexibility in managing your banking activities.
CIMB Transfer Limit
The (daily) transfer limit depends on the type of account and the activities. If you have to run them down, it would be like this.
- For a transfer to own account, there is no limit to all accounts – Normal, Preferred, Prime, and Youth
- For Instant Transfer, Interbank Giro, and funds transfers to third party, it would be maximum RM50,000 for Normal, Preferred, and Prime, and it would be RM300,000 for Youth
- For Bill Payment it would be RM50,000 for Normal and Prime, while it is RM60,000 for Preferred. There is no available service for Youth
- For Remittance, it would be RM50,000 for Normal, Preferred, and Prime. There is no available service for Youth
- For Prepaid Reload Service, it would be RM500 for Normal, Preferred, and Prime. For Youth, it would be RM100.
What is IBG Transfer and Instant Transfer
If you have to make funds transfer to accounts outside of CIMB account, then there are Instant Transfer and IBG (Interbank Giro). But what are the differences.
With IBG, the concept is delayed transfer without the recipient name and account number validation. Instant Transfer, on the other hand, enables you to review the recipient’s name during the submission.
It will help you make sure that you have the right account and you are transferring the funds to the right recipient. Moreover, this method would be immediately transferred to the recipient’s account after the confirmation has been done.
You may also like: IBG Transfer how many days
Change Transfer Limit CIMB ATM
If you want to change your transfer limit, here are the steps to manage it:
- Log into your CIMB Clicks account
- Opt for Services
- Then, choose Limits and Alerts
- Then go with Change ATM Transaction Limit
- Once you do it, choose the account number that you want
- Then choose A New Limit
- Ask for TAC to finalize the transaction
- After you type in the TAC verification code, your process completes
Change Online Transaction Limit CIMB
- Login CIMB Clicks
- Navigate to Services > Limits & Alerts
- Your current daily transaction limit is the amount that you see displayed for each of the Online Banking service.
- If you wish to change the daily transaction limit for any of the Online Banking services, simply select your new limit from the dropdown box provided, enter TAC and click the Submit button.
Contact CIMB Bank
In case you are confused and you are overwhelmed by the process, ask for a help. Not everyone is tech-savvy and understands how to manage things through the net.
In case you want to reach out to the bank, you can contact them in various ways.
Call Centers
There are several options for this:
- For Consumer, the number is +603 6204 7788
- For Preferred, the number is 1300 885 300 for Local and +603 2295 6888 for abroad
- For Premier (credit card), the number is +603 6204 7799
- For Business, the number is 1300 888 828 for local and +603 2297 3000 (for abroad). This service, however, doesn’t available 24/7. From Monday to Friday, it is only accessible from 8 AM to 7 PM. On Saturdays, it is only accessible from 8 AM to 5 PM.
Digital Connection
This way also offers several ways:
- Go to Clicks and fill the feedback form up
- Go to Clicks and send them secured message
- For Individual account, you can send them email at For Business account, send them email at
If you are still confused, visit them at one of the offices and ask for their help.