When you are registered as a customer at any banking institution, you will be required to provide personal information such as phone number or mailing address.
If any of these personal information details changed, then you need to inform the bank. This article in particular will show you how to change your phone number details if you’re an accountholder at Affin Bank.
If the phone number that you’ve registered to the Affin Bank is changed or no longer used, then it is important to notify them. You may do so by several methods, from visiting Affin Bank branch office in person, making a phone call to the bank’s customer service, or by using their online banking service.
From all of these options, the most convenient one is by informing the bank through online banking. Affin online banking service is provided to facilitate customers transactions, with advantages such as saving time. The online banking service lets you to check the balance of your account, do fund transfer, and other features.
How to Change Affin Bank Phone Number Online
Follow the steps on how to change Affin Bank phone number below via online banking:
- Visit Affin Online Banking official website at https://www.affinonline.com
- Sign into your account using your Affin Online Banking account login credentials.
- Select the menu Settings and then open My Internet Banking Profile.
- Select Edit to begin making change of your personal information details.
- Update your mobile phone number in the provided field, then press Continue after you have done with the process.
- Verify the inputted details and then select Confirm.
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How to Change Affin Bank Phone Number via Branch
You may update your new mobile phone number via visit the nearest Affin Bank branch via contact centre 03-8230 2222 or 0382302323.
Despite making update on your changed phone number might seem extremely simple, it is actually a crucial part of account security protection. Updated phone number also allows the bank to always keep in touch with you as a customer.
There are various reasons why Affin bank strongly advised you to always keep your phone number information updated. For an instance, active phone number is used as a part of confirmation process when you are signing into your online banking account. The bank also requires your phone number to notify you if there’s any financial activity that must be verified.
Another reason is, similar to most banks in Malaysia, Affin Bank also used their customers phone numbers to send Transaction Authorization Code (TAC). TAC is a code that’s comprised of six digits. It has the purpose to authorize various banking transaction.
In general, banks use their customers’ phone number as a mean to authorize and confirm any acts done through their online banking account. Phone number is a common tool to be used in the second security layer of two-factor authentication.
The guide on how to change Affin Bank phone number above is quite easy to follow. However, if you have further information about the service, you may reach Affin Bank directly.
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To contact Affin Bank, you may dial their contact center phone number at 03-8230 2222. It is available from Monday to Sunday, at 8 A.M to 12 A.M. Alternatively, you may send an email to the bank. The email address of Affin Bank is yourvoice@affinbank.com.my, cardservices@affinbank.com.my and worldcard@affinbank.com.my