Cancelling credit card may be one of the latest things credit card owner wants to do with their card, but that is potentially possible. One reason that sends people to cancel their credit card is the overwhelming charges and fees. Although it is a common thing to deal with credit card fee, fee and charges are things we don’t love since it means another buck to spend other than the main bills itself.
Another reason to cancel your credit card is related to overspending tendency that may occur if one keeps using credit card. Well, credit card offers a lot of enjoyable rewards: ranging from cashback to promo discount in various affiliated merchants. If you want to start saving more than spending, then switching to only ATM card is a great start to do.
To cancel your credit card means you have to deal with all the procedures to get it done. But, it seems like there is nothing like official step-by-step in order to request your credit card cancellation. That said, this article aims to guide you about how to cancel Alliance Bank credit card through several methods.
How to Cancel Alliance Bank Credit Card via Bank Branch
Bank customers must know it: direct visit to the nearest branch’s customer service will solve nearly all banking problems on hand. That applies as well for cancelling your Alliance Bank credit card.
- Simply go to the nearest branch to meet the customer service.
- Then, after queuing you’ll getsome assistance from the officer to cancel your credit card.
- Usually, the officer will try to hold your decision by saying this and that things.
- Simply submit the inquiry mail afterwards.
- You will have to follow the procedure then by filling a form and doing other procedure.
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In order to cancel the card, visit any nearest branch by bringing your soon-to-be cancelled card, some amount of cash that you require to pay your outstanding balance, as well as your NRIC. Tell the customer service about your condition, pay the remaining bills (including the fees and charges), and you will be guided to a specific procedure of stopping the service. Make sure to follow the procedure wholly and properly to have a seamless card cancellation.
How to Cancel Alliance Bank Credit Card via Customer Services
Feeling too lazy to travel to any nearest branch? Dwell no more; you can try to call the bank customer service. But how can it relate to this procedure of how to cancel Alliance Bank credit card?
Well, try to call Alliance Bank customer service hotline first at 03-5516-9988 and tell your desire to cancel the credit card. Or, you can simply mail them up at Then, get the customer service to send an email/fax the card cancellation form to you. Later on, fill the form up and send it back via mail. Continue to follow up after seven days or until your mail gets replied eventually.
This method is surely slower than the previously mentioned method. Hence, if you want a quick cancellation, you should avoid doing this method.
Whichever method of how to cancel Alliance Bank credit card that you plan to use, you need to know several aspects that need to be done before and after the cancellation.
Before cancelling your credit card, you must:
- Pay all the remaining balance all at once, including the fees and charges that tag along.
- Claim all rewards (bonus points).
- This is optional yet it’d be better to do so.
- Stop all of the auto-debit programmed to be paid with your card.
After the cancellation, usually you’ll need to give back the card to the bank. This will be the thing you must do followed by getting a written cancellation confirmation from the bank.