As often said by many people, having a credit card is beneficial. Not only to get that contactless payment title on hand, but by getting a credit card, the chance of obtaining discounts and/or other promos will be on your hand as well.
Some merchants may offer cashback as well hence, it’s pretty nice in terms of providing you something gift-like.
These days, many banks are trying to entice their customers to have this credit card. Statistically there are more people attaching themselves with credit card, thanks to the offered features and gifts that attracts customers to come in.
Malaysian banks are also doing the same with the increasing needs of credit cards, almost all banks provide this service as well.
One of those Malaysian Bank is AgroBank. Unlike other banks, the bank doesn’t offer credit card that basically provides you loan to take. Instead, the bank focuses on its debit card only.
From all of that being said, the debit card simply features fund deposits and you can make contactless payment simply by using the card. It’s very simple, right?
You may have acknowledged their Debit Card-i; and this is what apparently offered as feature which can be benefited by customers, instead of credit card. If you’re already a customer of AgroBank and you own this card, you must have known its various benefits.
But who knows you too feel bored of it and want to switch to another bank that provides fancy credit card?
If you want to cancel this credit card like Debit Card-i, you can follow this method of how to cancel AgroBank credit card (Debit Card-i).
How to Cancel AgroBank Credit Card via Bank Branch
A direct visit to the nearest AgroBank branch is one effective method to stop this service. But, as you have anticipated, you will need to travel from home and queue for stopping the debit card service.
The customer service will then provide you a form to fill in, and you’ll just have to follow the guided instruction. Don’t forget to bring along your card as it will be confiscated since you’re no longer using it and it’s basically the bank’s property.
You may also like: AgroBank Branches in Malaysia
How to Cancel AgroBank Credit Card via Online Banking
Another method of how to cancel AgroBank credit card (Debit Card-i) is by filing the online customer service form. To do that, you will need to do this procedure:
- First, make sure your gadget is connected to the internet.
- Launch your browser and simply copy this address to reach out:
- Scroll down a bit, and you will see a fillable form.
- Set the I am interested in field as Product and Services by choosing from the drop-down menu.
- Continue by filling your name, contact number, IC number, email address, address, and saving account number (if any).
- Set how you’d like to be reached as well (email/phone).
- Following that, you can write down your desire to take yourself back from Debit Card-i service. Make sure you write using a proper and polite language.
- Submit your enquiry after that simply by clicking the Submit button.
So those are two methods of how to cancel AgroBank credit card (Debit Card-i). If you want a quick termination, it’s best to choose the former method. You can ask any enquiries regarding the card as well when processing for the card termination.