If you are a regular user of credit card, then you must already know that closing credit card account can affect your credit score. However, there might be times where you may really need to terminate the card. For example, if you spend on it more than you are intending to.
There are various ways to close a credit card depends on the issuer institution. However, the most common way to make a closure request is by sending verbal or written request. During the process, you might be asked of the reason behind the cancellation.
How to Cancel Affin Bank Credit Card
Now, if you are a holder of credit card issued by Affin Bank and you wish to terminate it, then you need to do it by completing Cancellation Form. The form is obtained at the bank’s branch office and then must be sent back to Affin Bank.
Before you perform the cancellation, you will be required to pay the full balance of your credit card. The balance is going to remain liable for transactions before or after the cancellation process took place. The only way you can close your Affin Bank credit card account is if the outstanding balance has been completely settled.
Here is a guide on how to cancel Affin Bank credit card in several steps:
- Visit the nearest Affin Bank local branch office.
- Make request for credit card cancellation form.
- Fill out the cancellation form.
- You may choose to submit the cancellation form back to the Affin Bank by:
- Handing it out to the Affin Bank local branch office
- Sending it via mail
- Sending it via fax to 03-2026 1424
The guide on how to cancel Affin Bank credit card above applied for all credit cards issued by Affin Bank. These include Affin Bank Mastercard Basic, Affin Bank Visa Classic, Affin Bank Mastercard Classic, Affin Bank Mastercard Gold, and many more.
After you have completed the process of cancelling your credit card, you are also required to inform the auto-debit merchant regarding the termination, so they can cancel any auto-debit transaction and create a new arrangement for you.
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Then, you need to cut the physical credit card. To execute this task, make sure that you cut the chip and magnetic stripe on the card. This will ensure that the card is fully damaged. After this, the Affin Bank specifically requests for the card to be returned bank along with the cancellation form.
As mentioned above, credit card termination may have effects on your credit score. However, this effect can be minimized by making sure that all the required steps by the bank are followed. Follow the specific steps one by one so your credit card account is closed for good.
After you have considered all things related to credit card termination and you have another card to be charged on for your purchases and payment, then you are ready to do the cancellation. The process might need patience and require time before it can be completed.