Many occasions require you to print out your bank statements, such as applying for a credit card or loan. However, what is a bank statement for those who don’t know? In short, a bank statement is a monthly document issued by your banking institution.
With bank statements, you can view all of your spending and income activities associated with your account. You can all also see the dates you make the transactions and to whom the transaction is made. With all this information and the ability to understand your bank statement, you can better manage your finances and make smarter financial decisions.
The majority of financial institutions allow their customers to choose how they would like to receive their bank statements. If you bank with Alliance, you can either opt for receiving a paper statement or have an e-statement via email or your Alliance internet banking account.
However, Alliance Bank encourages its customers to switch to e-statement as a form of green campaign. This is a free service where you won’t be charged with any fee to access your bank statements anytime and anywhere you want. You can even download and print out the statements from previous months.
How to Print Alliance Bank Statement via Computer
If you don’t know how to print Alliance Bank statement, the following tutorial will help you get the job done:
- Launch your most reliable internet browser installed on your computer.
- Go to the official website of Alliance internet banking at
- Log into your account.
- Select the Account statement you would like to view.
- Click on the e-Statements option.
- From the list of statement dates, click the date for the bank statement you would want to view.
- To print out the statement, click Download, and your statement will be saved as a PDF.
- Once it’s downloaded, open the file and click on the Print icon.
- Make sure your computer is connected to the printer.
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How to Get Alliance Bank Statement via Mobile Banking
You can also print out your bank statement through your cell phone. If you have an Android device, here is the tutorial on how to print Alliance Bank statement you can follow:
- Launch your internet browser and go to Alliance online banking at
- Log into your account using your username and password.
- Choose the Account you would like to view.
- Tap on Statements and select the date for the statement periods you would like to view.
- Tap on Download, and the file will be saved in your My Files folder.
- Go to your folder device and locate the file of your bank statement.
- Open the file and tap on the Settings icon.
- Select the Print icon to print out the statement.
- Make sure your device is already connected to your printer through Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
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If you don’t have an account and would like to receive bank statement via email, just subscribe to this service by calling the Alliance’s contact center at 03-5516 9988. To print the statement, you simply need to click on the print icon on your email whenever you receive the bank statement.