How to Pay Digi Bill for Other Number

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If you need to know how to pay Digi bill for other number, the answer is below. The method of payment is made so easy with the mobile app. This app is downloadable in the App Store if you use iOS phone, and it is also available on the Google Play Store for Android users.

The related information is also explained here. It shows you the details that you may as related to Digi Bill payment. Without further ado, check the information below.

How to Pay Digi Bill for Other Number

Pay Digi Bill for Other Number Using myDigi

  1. Open MyDigi mobile app on your phone.
  2. If you are not logged in, log in with your mobile phone (registered) followed by your PIN.
  3. Once you are in your home page, tap the menu icon on the home screen. It is like a three lines on the left side of the screen.
  4. A few menus will be shown on the screen. You should select the one that says My Favorites. Pay Digi Bill for Other Number
  5. You need to add the number of your friends or anyone that you wish to pay the bill for. To do that, tap on the + icon on the upper right side of the screen. Enter the phone number and click OK.
  6. Now you have to key in the amount of money to be paid. Make sure that you enter the exact Amount of money.
  7. Now, all you need to do is select the payment method. You can do it using credit card or any other methods. Once done, you need to click Proceed to pay the bill of your friends or family member.

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Other Digi Bill Payment Methods

You may ask how many numbers you can pay from your account. It is unlimited, basically. You can pay for a lot of numbers at the same time as long as you have the sufficient amount of money on the payment method. Here are some other methods for the payment.

Digi Bill payment via JomPay

In using JomPay, you will have to provide your biller code then the transaction will be processed within 2 hours after the payment. This is one of the most convenient way to pay for the bill easily.

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Digi Bill payment via ATM

Yes, you can choose to pay your bill using ATM. There are a lot of banks with ATM support to pay the bill from Digi. You just have to find the ATM that have Payment/Bill menu in it.

Digi Bill payment via auto debit

In fact, the best and easiest way to pay the bill is actually via the auto debit. It is called the auto-filling feature. Your bank account will be deducted according to your bill every the 5th day of the month.

Well, paying bills for someone else is not as hard as before, right? You can do it so easily by using the mobile phone. All you need to do is downloading the app, and then you will not wonder again about how to pay Digi bill for other number.